You know that odd idea you came up with at a party, or in rehearsal, or in a workshop, or in the shower. Need a place to test out that weird idea you have? Have a bit that needs some audience? Or maybe you have a new character, or clown that needs a place to find their legs. Or maybe it’s something you’ve been thinking about, and you just need a deadline to get that first draft done…?
Facilitated by SMP’s Christine Lesiak and Batrabbit Productions, it’s a monthly evening where clowns, physical comedy artists, character actors, alternative comedians, and art-lovers can experiment, play and watch in a supportive, structured environment. We enthusiastically welcome both new and experienced performers.
Each is followed by an optional, artist-led feedback time (approx. 1 hour).
When: The third Thursday of each month- January 23rd, February 20th, March 20th, April 17th, May 15th
Location: The Playhouse – 102, 10033-80 Ave., Edmonton
Cost: By optional donation to cover the space rental – suggested $5-$10
What: Drafts of shorts under 10 mins in any stage of development (longer spots available by request):
– character
– clown & bouffon
– physical comedy – e.g. slapstick, visual humour, dance-based, comedy magic, street acts, etc.
– experimental comedy
You should know…
– The Lab is a supportive environment where we provide a safe space to take risks and celebrate spectacular failures as much as glorious successes. We recognize that risking failure is an act of bravery.
– We don’t think racist, sexist or hateful material is brave. We think it’s exclusionary and lazy. Read about our equity and safe spaces policies.
– However, we don’t jury or censor, and recognize some of the work will be intentionally or unintentionally provocative. You might be offended sometimes, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s a great thing to talk about with the artist!
– No confetti, or glitter in the space.